Our implants are FDA-approved and made in the USA. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is a section of the Department of Health and Human Services of the United States Government. Its first responsibility is to control the delivery of food, drugs, and medical appliances within the country while securing public safety. The sale and administration of dental implants are under the regulatory control of the FDA. Device classification, procedures for approval, and the current status of the approval process for endosseous implants are described in this article. The premarket approval method of the FDA is compared with the American Dental Association certification process. Issues related to the safety and effectiveness of dental implants are discussed.
All our Implants are FDA-approved technique which now utilizes high-tech planning software, a specialty of Oral rehabilitation center. A high-resolution 3-D CT Scan is used with our virtual planning software to facilitate the design and fabrication of the final replacement teeth.