Teeth and Teenagers
Teenagers are self-conscious about how others perceive them when they grin. Most teenagers are still figuring out who they are and what they want to be when they grow up, and many don’t know how to maintain their bodies in good shape. Teenagers are on the lookout for a beautiful, healthy smile that will complement their personality. Teenagers, on the other hand, consume a lot of sugary foods, soda, and energy drinks, which can all lead to tooth decay and cavities.
Here are some basic yet effective mouth-healthy recommendations for teenagers:
- Floss every day.
- Brush your teeth twice a day.
- In between meals, stay away from sugary and starchy foods.
- Smoking should be avoided.
- Lip piercings should be avoided.
- Regular visits to the dentist are recommended.
Crooked teeth and braces are two issues that are unique to teenagers.
Teenagers place a high value on their appearance since it can boost their self-esteem and confidence. Teenagers place a high priority on having a beautiful smile, necessitating the usage of high-quality teeth. On the other side, crooked teeth and braces can make teenagers feel unattractive and lower their confidence and self-esteem. Teenagers with crooked teeth and braces may find it difficult to brush and floss their teeth, which can lead to dental decay, gum disease, and tooth loss.
Braces are required because they straighten teeth and provide an attractive smile. Braces, on the other hand, are rarely worn by teenagers since they make them look unattractive. Today, a number of solutions are available, including tooth-colored plastic braces in a variety of colours. To maintain the overall appearance, removable transparent retainers can be worn in conjunction with invisible retainers.
Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that focuses on straightening teeth to provide patients a beautiful smile and well aligned teeth. Treatment typically lasts 18 months, and the type of brace utilised is decided by the type of treatment required. Fixed
Fixed Braces
Fixed braces, sometimes known as “train tracks,” are made up of metal or tooth-colored brackets that are connected by a wire that pulls the teeth into place. It may feel strange at first because the brackets may rub against the insides of your lips and cheeks, causing jaw ache. In contrast, your orthodontist can provide you with wax or drugs to aid you with your problems. Although toffees, crusty breads, cheesy desserts, and hard foods should be avoided by teenagers, they can eat a wide variety of foods. When wearing braces, it is vital to take care of your teeth because they may become permanently discoloured. Your dentist may also use elastic bands to enhance the pressure on specific teeth.
After fixed braces are removed, children may need to wear retainers to prevent their teeth from shifting back to their original position. To keep your teeth in the appropriate place, retainers can be worn for up to six months, particularly at night.
The IDA recommends brushing your teeth twice a day with flouride toothpaste. You may eat a healthy diet while wearing the retainer as long as you avoid sugary foods and drinks that can hurt your teeth. Wiping the retainer to remove any food particles is also a good idea. Wear retainers for the maximum number of hours per day, or as directed by your dentist, to receive the best results.
Early tooth loss in adolescence can have a psychological impact, therefore protecting your teeth is crucial. Mouthguards, also known as mouth cushions, are plastic appliances that can protect the lips, cheeks, tongue, and jaws from harm while reducing the risk of teeth breaking. Athletes and individuals involved in recreational activities frequently wear mouthguards. While there are various mouthguards on the market, the best mouthguards are ones that your dentist creates specifically for you. This ensures that the mouthguard is properly fitted to your mouth and will not fall out during your activities.
According to the IDA, you should:
When engaging in sports, it is recommended that you wear a mouthguard.
Using a custom-made mouthguard for maximum protection
How to maintain your Mouthguard?
- Rinse or brush the mouthguard before and after each use.
- On a frequent basis, keep an eye out for any signs of damage. If it’s broken, replace it.
- It should be transported in a secure box with vents.
- It should not be exposed to direct sunlight or hot water.
Dental Emergencies
Accidents can occur at any time and in any place, so you must be prepared to defend yourself. You should take your child to the dentist straight away if he or she has a dental emergency.
Mouth Sores Mouth sores can be brought on by a number of things. However, if they are caused by new braces, you can treat them with a topical anaesthetic and acetaminophen as indicated on the label or by your dentist.
The erosion of a tooth’s enamel, which is usually caused by an acid attack, is known as erosion. While erosion is similar to tooth decay, it is distinguished by the fact that it is caused by an acid rather than a bacterial attack. Foods and beverages can erode enamel, leaving teeth vulnerable to a number of dental problems. Due to the gradual nature of erosion, few people are aware of it until a significant amount of enamel has been lost. The enamel erodes, leaving a depression on the upper surface of the molar teeth, and the molars get thinner as a result.
What Can Be Done to Prevent Erosion?
- Reduce the amount of acidic meals and beverages you eat.
- Drinks should not be kept in your mouth for too long.
- Finish your meal with cheese or a milk-based beverage to minimise or neutralise dietary acids.
- After you’ve eaten, brush your teeth one hour later. Brushing your teeth right after a meal can trigger greater enamel erosion.
Oral piercings are popular among young people all around the world because they make them look and feel wonderful, but they also have health risks and are not fully safe. Teenagers and even adults are ignorant of the negative implications of oral piercings. Long-term sores and negative effects, as well as bleeding and disease transmission, can all result from oral infections. Certain oral bacteria have the ability to enter the circulation and cause heart problems. People who have their tongues pierced frequently suffer from gum disease, tooth wear, and difficulty eating, swallowing, and speaking properly.
Teens are frequently persuaded to engage in dangerous behaviours such as smoking and tobacco usage, which can be harmful to their health. Tooth discolouration, foul breath, impaired taste and smell perception, tartar accumulation, gum disorders, tooth loss, oral cancer, lung cancer, mouth sores, chronic bronchitis, and heart disease are all possible outcomes.
Teenagers who experiment with drugs face a number of problems, including oral problems like methmouth. This oral problem is caused by the illegal and highly addicting drug methamphetamine. This drug is not only harmful to the central nervous system, but it is also harmful to one’s oral health. High blood pressure, vomiting, diarrhoea, nausea, and other dental problems such tooth decay, blackening, staining, rotting, and crumbling are all possible side effects.
Eating Disorders
Teens must also be mindful of the amount of food they consume, as poor eating habits can lead to tooth decay. Food intake that is insufficient or excessive can have a negative impact on one’s health, which can be caused by physical, mental, emotional, or social issues.
It is impossible to stress the importance of consuming the right nutrients for one’s health. If the gums and teeth in the mouth are not properly nourished, they may bleed easily. It can also affect saliva production, resulting in a dry mouth that persists. If you vomit frequently, acid reflux can erode the enamel, which can lead to dental problems. The IDA recommends seeing your dentist if you have an eating issue. Better diet, family counselling, psychotherapy, medications, and other approaches can be used to treat eating disorders.
Wisdom Tooth
The wisdom teeth are the last teeth that erupt from the mouth.
Wisdom teeth can create a range of problems, therefore you should consult a dentist about them. They are known as third molars because they erupt in adulthood, when the majority of them already have their permanent teeth. If your wisdom teeth are unable to find the necessary space to erupt, you should consult a dentist. It’s important to keep track of wisdom teeth’s progress because they don’t have a regular timeline. In rare cases, wisdom teeth may need to be extracted due to pain, infection, tumours, cysts, damage to neighbouring teeth, gum disease, or dental decay.
Bad Breath
Bad breath is one of the most common oral illnesses, and it is caused by a lack of personal hygiene. Bad breath can be caused by a variety of factors, but it can be efficiently addressed so that your mouth stays fresh and does not stink.
The foods you eat have a big influence on how your mouth smells. Brush and floss after each meal to remove food particles from your mouth, as garlic and onions, for example, can produce bad breath. Gum disease can also create poor breath or a bad taste in the mouth.
Dry mouth can also generate an unpleasant aroma in the mouth due to a decrease in saliva flow. Due to a lack of saliva, food particles are not fully cleaned. Smoking and tobacco use can create foul breath in addition to staining teeth and producing other health issues. Lung infections, kidney problems, diabetes, and bronchitis are all medical conditions that can produce bad breath.
According to the IDA, brushing and flossing properly can help to eliminate bad breath. You should also visit your dentist if you have bad breath.
These thick, whitish-colored patches might be found inside the cheeks, gums, or tongue. Patches, which are quite common among tobacco smokers, are caused by excessive cell proliferation. Improper chewing habits or ill-fitting dentures can potentially create these problems. Your dentist may recommend a biopsy of the patch since leukoplakia has been linked to oral cancer.
Teenage Nutritional Advice
Teenagers are transitioning from childhood to adulthood, and they often have questions about who they want to be and how to properly care for their bodies and lips. Throughout this era, teens are thrilled about self-discovery and discovering new options and ideas that appeal to them. Many teenagers enjoy trying new things, and as a result, they frequently engage in illegal activities such as drug use, smoking, drinking, and even uninvited intercourse. Teenagers place a high value on their peers, thus they strive to maintain their health and appearance.
Many teenagers also want to ensure that they adhere to their own rules regarding how they dress and what they consume. Because adolescents are concerned with other peer and group activities, they typically disregard healthy eating habits. As a result, it is up to parents to ensure that their children understand the need of proper nutrition through discourse rather than coercion.
Fruits and vegetables should be a mainstay in every meal for teenagers because they demand a lot of energy to stay active and handle a variety of activities. This ensures that the body receives all of the required minerals and vitamins.
Grains are similarly important, so incorporate whole grains like oats, whole wheat bread, and brown rice in your diet.
Teens should also try to consume low-fat or fat-free dairy products in order to get dairy-based nutrients without consuming too much fat.
Teenagers must also consume lean proteins such as lean beef, skinless poultry, and fish. Lean protein can be found in eggs, peas, beans, and legumes. Despite the fact that it is difficult for children to resist junk food, they should avoid meals that are damaging to their health.
Sugarless gum, which helps to maintain a healthy pH balance in the mouth, is recommended for teens who chew gum. Brace wearers must avoid foods that may interfere with the braces or cause wires to bend accidentally. While wearing braces, it is not suggested to eat nuts, popcorn, or sticky foods.